222: A Time to Build the New.

As I begin this post it is 12:22 on the clock.  The month is September and the year is 2021.

The time is fitting. The recurring 222’s signify that it is time to build.  As I settle into my seat the number 44 flashes across my eye line, seemingly projected from a receipt strewn on the table.  44 is the number of structure, it also represents the 4 cardinal directions and heralds to me that the energies are present to anchor a new reality. What does all this signify as we bob collectively in a miasmatic sea of dismantling energies which attempt to harpoon our ankles? 

Out with the old, in with the new the saying goes but no one tells you how brave of heart you must be to navigate such a momentous transition.  How do you prosper in a deflated, post institutional world where there are no external signposts?

The world within us and around us has irretrievably changed.  Our very conception of time is also evolving as we wade through some seconds like they are sticky treacle and others as if they are composed of rapid, staccato impressions like polaroids jumbled at the bottom of a cardboard box.  These moments feel familiar but did they actually happen?  What are memories really and why am I feeling a newly amplified quality to them like they transcend space and time?  I am beginning to feel like I spend my days in no time, suspended between one  world which has gone and the next which has yet to be written.  

As we untether our consent from the old archaic institutions of healthcare, banking and education, we see plainly where we no longer resonate with their entropic systems of control.

It was known that there would come a time when the Master Builders would incarnate from a future timeline onto our beloved planet.  The codes they would hold in the strands of activated DNA they embody would serve to reawaken the cellular memories of many.  Together the hidden emerald crystal within each human heart chakra would ignite.  The women born of Earth’s soil would send out a ripple of love by opening their heart field establishing coherence and the men in their company would feel safe to feel once again and to open theirs.

We are at that time now.  In divine partnership the Angelic Man and Woman of the living soil can now form a divine union which will correct the course of a humanity which had been hijacked.  Diamond and Rainbow coded children have begun to incarnate with the genetic templating intact to reach levels of consciousness not seen on this planet in many untold years.

Our light collective is forging together to resurrect the sacred amongst the ruins of distortion.  

The Builders, also knows as the original Templars, do not seek an ego based recognition for their service.   Up to this point in time, they have lived their lives like Trojan horses, often nomadic, often solitary, guarding their treasure chest of coding for the divine moment it would be needed.  These great Cosmic Architects could be the toddler in the stroller you walk past in the park, the grandmother pruning roses in her garden, the office worker in the cubicle adjacent to you, that is the mastery of the divine Guardian plan. These Great Engineers had to be pure of heart to embody the Christ consciousness and all such volunteers have passed great personal initiation to be present here in service in this Now.

Light is information and as we expand our awareness and raise our light quotient we transmit information at a higher frequency.  This attracts other energies resonating at a similar frequency band.  This is how we begin to find our Soul Family and Divine Partner, also termed our Genetic Equal, to have the possibility to achieve union together.  In this lifetime we, the Star Seeded ones, have been working through karmic contracts on behalf of our family of origin to help clear miasma in the family lineage both forwards and backwards in time up to seven generations.  It may have felt intense and heavy for you to say the least!  However, these contracts are completing and a reunion with our soul fractal is beginning to take form.  Where we have previously had to keep our light hidden, it is now safe to connect and to shine our light.   The Age of Aquarius, which has now been anchored, is supportive of this transition as one of its principle themes is that of synergetic relationships.


Don’t Watch it Burn.